Business category 1 Ladders & Scaffoldings
City ( of main office ) Pune, IN, India
Address C / 3, Shopping Complex, Chintamani Nagar, Aundh
Phones 91-20-40056581
Fax 91-20-25886237
Web site www.sunbeaminfra.com
About Introducing ... the Sunbeam range of ready to use, lift and shift type bunkhouses for all imaginable configurations. These cabins are unloaded at your site, connected to electrical, water, and sewage pipelines and presto ... you move in to a total convenience space. Our office cabins can also be made available with LAN, telephone and UPS connectivity pre-wired, so that your office is online instantly. These cabins have material thicknesses, profiles and specifications similar to the ISO marine containers to ensure unfailing strength. They have roofs of higher thickness sloping on both sides for easy draining of rain water, etc. Their construction is such that if desired, they can be stacked one above the other vertically, in case space is a constraint.

Step in to be awed ... Take our word, there is a 10 out of 10 chance, that your first step inside our cabin will leave you pleasantly exhilarated! The looks and the ambience of our cabins set us apart.

The facilities include best skill sets in structural designing, architectural and urban planning and layouts and landscaping. State of the art facilities in metal, FRP and PUF, design & development, furniture manufacturing along with adequate material handling resources.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10