Home » Guest » SIRGE SRL


Business category 1 Rye
City ( of main office ) Avigliana, IT, Italy
Address Via Einstein 28
Phones 39-011-9348893
Fax 39-011-9342000
Web site www.sirge.it
About Sirge has been working on the Italian market since 1993 with a wide range of small electric household appliances.

The company has a solid experience in distributing quality products.

It uses a politics of reducing the distribution costs and supplying innovative products with really competitive prices, also with high quality standard.

The aim of the industrial politic we have adopted is to lower distribution costs and to supply innovative products with competitive prices. At the same time we want to keep a high quality standard.

Our industry structure is reliable and slim.

Therefore we are able to guarantee am optimal service and special attention to our customer's needs.

In order to find out our new products and to be informed about the latest news concerning new models visit our web site

Activities: Selling to major retailers, deparment stores, multiple group, wholesalers.

The company has been involved in International Cooperation in the past.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10