Business category 1 | Fruit |
City ( of main office ) | Warsaw, PL, Poland |
Address | UL. czy 30d |
Phones | 48-79-6798708 |
Fax | 48-66-0268440 |
About | we are EU base company and we do have agent in Pakistan , India Europe , we have only and if any smiler counterpart E-mail u don't sand them money only contact us via and only E-mail and we do ship from malaysia and we not do any shipment from poland HUMAN GROUTH HARMONE IGF-LRE3 GHRP-2 Acetate GHRP-6 Acetate PT141 Acetate Sermorelin CJC 1295 HGH MGF sustanon testosterone enanthate deca-durabolin testoviron depot winstrol testosterone propionate pregnyl I U pregnyl I U estandron prolongatuml normison proviron mesterolone primabolen inj clomid / clomiphene citrate tablet. ketotifen / zatiten lesix /furosemide estandron /prolongatu proscar/ finasteride, MSD anastrazol / Armidex andriol / testoterine undecanoato thyroxin / levothyroxin natrium anabol (pink) stanzol (winstrol) stanzol (winstrol) anavar / oxandrolone anaver / oxandrolone clenbulol / clenbuterol hydtochloride. cytomel T3 LA. Pharma British dispensry (yellow) dainabol Androlic / oxymetholone Azolol phantermine Ephedrine hcl Gerovital H3 / procaine hcl / cardioplegia Femara /letrazole Nalvadex /cytostatis/ tamoxifen Trenbolone Enathate we also deal with fresh food and rise . soft drink juice. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |