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Rich U Inc.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Ottawa, CA, Canada
Address P.O.BOX 20036,2900 Warden Ave.
Phones 1-647-2872405
Fax 1-416-3521889
Web site www.bodyextreme.com/mall
About RICH U INC. is located in Toronto,ON. We offer a full line of nutrition, wellness and homeopathic products. The nutritional and supplement industry in North America is $12-15 Billion annually and including weight loss, about $35 Billion.

We also share our business opportunity with you.

we believe that our credibility lies in the integrity of our product and our people. We are a company whose principles are based upon doing only what is honest, moral and ethical.

By sharing these products and this opportunity with others, you can receive up to an extra $200. $500 or up to even $20,000 or more per month. With only a $10 set-up fee for your personal website and as low as $29.95 for a bottle of Sterolin 2000 you will be in business. What are you waiting for? Get started today!
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10