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Regumatic Schlafsysteme Gmbh & Co. Kg

Business category 1 Home Furniture
City ( of main office ) Berlin, DE, Germany
Address Nickelstreet 12
Phones 49-5242-7999
Fax 49-5242-54464
Web site www.regumatic.de
About Regumatic is a producer of innovative bed-suspension-systems.
This frames are novel and patent registered. They fit perfect to your body shape and are also adjustable. For a sound and healthy sleep.
It all started in 1988 as Mr. Baumjohann assembled the first prototype in his private garage. As a young man Mr. Baumjohann had already contact during his apprenticeship to materials such as wood, metal and soft goods. All his experience and his inventive talent created the product Regumatic. The high quality of his products and the increasing production needed more room and so he had to look for a bigger place. He manufactured and developed his products.
His success forced him to expand in 1994. Within 6 months Mr. Baumjohan built a new production plant and also an administrative building all together over 1. 200 sqm.
In 2007 he was suddenly overtaken by death an we lost not only our incorporator. we also lost a great innovator and thinker. His son has already been working for the company since 1991. He took over to follow his fathers ideas and the business objectives.
For now 20 Years we are your reliable partner for your wellness-night for night-
Short information about our products:
- permanent suspension of the lying surface without loosing elasticity. High of springs, that means a very good adjustment to different body shapes.
- Consistent suspension over the whole lying surface? even with king size beds and two frames
- self adjusting? that means the frame adjusts itself to any position of the user and his / her weight? no adjustment by computer or other facilities are necessary.
- in the area of the shoulders we are using soft-spring-elements.
- individual adjustment of the back and feet function by two (motor 2) or four (motor 4) .
- The adjustment is easy and smooth. The electrical drives are synthetically coated
and maintenance-free.
- varied adjustability by a functional operating element in lying position
- Ergonomically sensible shoulder area thru free moving suspension elements. The shoulder gets relieved and you avoid tension by self? egulating, anatomical adjustment to your body-shape.
- high qualities of material and manufacturing on the basis of ecological principals.
- All appropriated lumbers are from Germany and distinguished with the label? lauer Engel.
- Manufacturing in Germany stands for a long life span without re-adjustment.
- Lifespan 15 years guarantee on high-grade steel suspension for substantial elasticity?
that means marvellous relaxing.
- All motors are equipped with activation and emergency draw down by courtesy of a battery. They are distinguished with the CE-label and T-certified. 3 Years guarantee on
the electrical devices.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10