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Realisations Multivisions extra inc.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Montréal, CA, Canada
Address 357 De Castelnau street
Phones 1514-745-2276 1888-823-8963
Fax 1514-745-4169
Web site www.multivisionsinc.com
About Let us first present to you a company through which you can fulfill all meaning of this hadith. Our company Multivisions Inc. performs in distribution, production and other services. Here are some examples: We distribute videos, DVD, CD, CD- ROM, audio tapes, books and much much more, all what does the Daawa and muslim need. . . A renting room for video editing, shooting devices and writing scripts are all available.
At Multivisions Inc. , you will find up-to-date audiovisuals in child education & entertainment for all your family members, like computer programs (Alif ba ta Yacine, Sakhr programs, Alim, Almualim. . . ) , the new CD of Yussuf Islam (I have no canons that roar, The prayer of the last prophet) , cartoons (Salam and the knights of virtue, Sultan Fateh Muhamed, Muslim Scouts adventure. . . ) , audio-tapes (Anasheed, learning Arabic, lectures) movies on video-tapes and DVD. You'll experience special and nice surprises with the Qur'an on audio-tapes, CD & CD- ROM. And more And more. . .
Every tool you need to shape and improve the education of your child and entertain your family.
Be sure that Multivisions is your best source for Islamic literature, Video, Computer programs, DVD, Audio, Gifts and more. . .
May Allah bless you and peace be upon you.
Yours faithfully
Moncef Barbouch
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10