Business category 1 Wall Clocks
City ( of main office ) Morbi, IN, India
Address morbi-rajkot road
Phones 91-2822-285301
Fax 91-2822-285303
Web site rikonclocks.com
About RIKON CLOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY is a caring and dedicated wall clock company specializing in production for quality clocks with compitetive price.

RIKON a world of fabulous designs of wall clocks for the changing times. RIKON has had the philosophy of changing the way people look at wall clocks. The metamorphosis of having justa functional pieces of watch to having adecorative piece has been the core agenda at rikon. The added advantage is the amalgamation of quality with durability and the absorption of the changing preferences of the people into the various designs that are continuously being updated.

RIKON with state-of-art production facility in the industrious state of gujarat has computeriesed controlled injection molding system for meeting demands of market.The company had phased expansion in its span of twenty years and has also earned the confidence and faith of the people at large. Today RIKON has a large export market spread over various african countries and also in the united kingdom. The middle east also is highly receptive of the products under the brand name RIKON .

Today at the turn of the century RIKON has exploited enticingly most of the geometical shapes with a wide range of colours and designs. Trendy contemporary, Antique and a myraid types are today available under the brand of RIKON .
The milennium collection aims at satisfying the various needs of the customers cut across the globe.
RIKON working hard to master the craftmanship of time
Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10