Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Semarang, ID, Indonesia |
Address | jl. gaharu utara dalam |
Phones | 62-024-70269251 |
Fax | 62 |
Web site | |
About | We provide the best ingredients (central java-Indonesia) , which is very popular abroad. Well in the form of powder or simplisia. Compound consists of a variety of medicinal plants such as keladi tikus, Rodent tuber, Thyponium Flagelliforme Lodd, Mahkota Dewa, Sambiloto, Daun Dewa, Kunyit Putih, Curcuma Mangga, benalu teh, meniran and various other herbal plants. No effect. not use chemical. Herb very nutritious and a lot of healing Chronic diseases such as breast cancer, nafosaring cance, uterus cancer, serviks, cancer pancreas, cancer tuberculosis, cancer laring, prostat, bladder, stomach cancer, cancer kolon, large intestine, other diseases. We also offer herbal capsul for easy drinking. Capsul ingredients and package is complete with the drink and the food should be reduced and therapi fruit-fruit, juice. To order capsul and ingredients for domestic Call: 08179556329, For Overseas Order Call: + 628179556329 Or + 622470269251 Metode Pembayaran / Payment: ============================ BCA, BRI ONLINE, WESTERN UNION BANK BCA KCP BANYUMANIK-SEMARANG Indonesia AC: 8030001495 a / n: BORE SUSPAMEDIOKO OR BANK BRI ONLINE UNIT BANYUMANIK-SEMARANG Indonesia AC: 3036-01-021723-534 a / n: BORE SUSPAMEDIOKO OR WESTERN UNION JL. GAHARU UTARA DALAM 1 / 111 SEMARANG-Indonesia a / n: BORE SUSPAMEDIOKO Best regards REZA HERBAL SEMARANG Mobile Phone: + 628179556329 |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |