RE International corporation
Business category 1 | Plant & Animal Oil |
City ( of main office ) | Manchester, US, United States |
Address | 411 Lydall street |
Phones | 1-860-5339210 |
Fax | 1-928-7520287 |
About | RE International Corp. , USA is an established company that provides business activities with follow: Biodiesel Vegetable oil Real estate (development, improvement, renovation, new construction etc) Chemical products Non-ferrous metal Ferrous metal Products group A Old and new vessels Our mission at RE International Corp. , USA is to provide a completely satisfying shopping experience to our customers. In our many years of serving Customers, we have learned that the only way to succeed is to feel the same needs and share the same concerns as our customers do. This experience covers the whole sales Process, starting the moment before the customer places a sales order. We do not end our service when the order is delivered. We listen to any concerns our customers might have with their order. We strive to provide an all-around pleasant environment to make customers comfortable and confident in entrusting their computational needs to us. I hope than you appreciate our desire to work for this nice project and make your right Decision. Sincerely yours, Victor N. Bashunov As president RE International Corp. , USA |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |