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Purser Bro's

Business category 1 Fresh Food
City ( of main office ) Las Vegas, US, United States
Address 5348 Vegas Drive
Phones 1-714-723-4489
Fax 1-714-475-5857
About On modern merchant ships the purser is the officer responsible for all administration and supply, frequently the cooks and stewards answer to him or her as well. It is not uncommon for the Chief Purser to have a degree in Hotel management or in naval terms for him to have been a high ranking naval officer. Today he would be considered a Commander by rank.
At Purser Bro s we have taken the meaning of this name to an extreme. We pride ourselves for our ability to find hard to get items for our customers. From Ultra Sweet Pineapple from Costa Rica, Brazil, Peru and Hawaii to Royal Gala Apples from Argentina, Chile and of course the USA. Sarda and Squid from Peru, Yemen and India and the USA to multiple other products that your company may require.
Please take a moment to review our Commissary list or send us your needs lists and we will have our assistant pursers or product coordinators to find them for you from one of our farm direct suppliers.
We are PACA licensed in the United States and our suppliers are ALL European, USDA HACCP certified. We have personally chosen these suppliers because they offer the highest possibly quality and product availability.
Best Regards
M Morris
Chief Purser
Purser Bro s
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10