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Business category 1 Lace
City ( of main office ) Lewiston, US, United States
Address 178 College St.
Phones 954-675-8829
Fax 1-954-8292838
Web site www.pricefalls.com
About Pricefalls.com is a modern market for online Dutch Auction shopping. The Pricefalls.com model is based on the "Descending Price Auction" introduced by Dutch tulip merchants, and equally benefits both consumers and merchants.

Consumers benefit from an entertaining online shopping experience where prices constantly decrease. With Pricefalls.com, businesses will increase their profits and market exposure by eliminating physical storefront costs and introducing the merchants' goods to a larger customer base.

The auction initiates at the merchant's predetermined price ceiling. Consumers may purchase the item during a "Catch it Before it Falls" period, in which the price remains at the ceiling. When utilizing this feature, the consumer decreases the risk of losing the item to a fellow shopper, and the merchant benefits from the most profitable sale. Once this period ends the item price begins to fall until the first-and winning-bid is placed, or the predetermined price floor is reached.

At Pricefalls.com we are determined to present our clients with a profitable and unique trading experience. We are committed to providing the public with an efficient trading floor that allows for effortless transactions, secure payments, and the confidence of an equitable sale.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10