Home » lotusindustrial » Potassium Magnesium Sulphate PMS for foliar fertilizer K2O 24%

Potassium Magnesium Sulphate PMS for foliar fertilizer K2O 24%

Type of posting Offer
Category Fertilizer
City / Port Guangzhou, CN, China
Address 10D1,Wanyihuaxuan,No.7 Yunding street Jinju Road,Haizhu Area
Description Potassium magnesium sulphate fertilizer is a 100% water soluble, extracted from pure natural salt mine. It can provide potassium, magnesium, sulfur, boron and other essential nutrients to plants. Potassium magnesium fertilizer is related to agricultural crop nutrition experts as the fertilizer.

It is made only by physical extraction method or by directly removing impurities either from salt lake bittern or solid potassium - magnesium saltmine.

There is no any additive during the whole production technology. It is a new generation of potassium sulfate product and it is also an ideal and nature fertilizer for balanced fertilization.

Used to improve a plants overall health;
Used to increased root growth;
Promote growth and dark greening of plants;
Can be added to the surface or blended into the soil;
Improve drought tolerance and Increase stalks with long-branched roots


1. K2O: 24.99%
2. Mg: 6.8%
3. sulphate S: 17.58%
4. white potash fertilizer
5. natural salt lake
6. 100% water soluble magnesium sulphate
Date 2012 Sep 20, 01:09