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Business category 1 Solar Energy Products
City ( of main office ) Pescara, IT, Italy
Address via Pindaro
Phones 39-333-5079423
Fax 39
About We have a long experience working with Silicon products. Over the years, the growth and maturation of our company have seen a change not only in the demand for silicon products itself, but in the level of quality customers want to see in our products, services, information and the overall way we relate to products and environment. In an industry like ours, in order to respond to the multiple and diverse needs of society, we stay constantly open to new ideas and innovative ways of doing things. In responding to the requests and hopes expressed by our customers, we move steadily in the direction of new horizons in both domestic and overseas product advancement. We aim at developing into a company with a strong vision and a firm sense of commitment to both society and to the industry. We are proud of the trust and confidence our customers place in us, and we take great pleasure in fulfilling that trust by putting fine quality and performance to work in serving you.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10