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Polifarma Ilac San.Tic.A.S.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) İstanbul, TR, Turkey
Address Elbasan Koy Yolu Uzeri Cakilkoy Catalca
Phones 90-212-760 11 61
Fax 90-212-760 13 07
Web site www.aroma-polifarma.com
About With its belief in the integration of the steps taken in the field of technology with the investment

Made on behalf of the human being, AROMA-POLIFARMA has given impetus on its works

In this regard. The achievement to an outcome has been anticipated, which could be defined as

Backing of the system by the employees as a whole by establishment of the notion and the

Practice that will ensure the existing system to be carried forward with more effective manner

By small tasks groups established within the corporation on he basis of the principles of the

Corporate human resources studies.

With its distinguished staff of 250 employees, AROMA-POLIFARMA Society performs its actions

In regard to the sectional, departmental and personal corporate targets, ensuring the

Coordination of all plans and actions thanks to the feedback system, which itself provides the

Relevant direction of the system operations.

We currently produce parenteral solutions in glass bottles and PVC bags, medicines.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10