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Plaset Plastic Packaging Inc.

Business category 1 Mould
City ( of main office ) İstanbul, TR, Turkey
Address Topkapi
Phones 90-212-4828880
Fax 90-212-4828881
About Company profile

The Panaroma of the Turkish Plastic Packaging Industry and PLASET over 45 years...

The rise of Plastic in Turkey, likewise throughout the World, as an alternative to traditional materials, such as iron, glass, paper, wood, etc has fastly increased the consumption of plastics. The Turkish Plastic Industry, which merely dates back to 1960 's is quite young and noteworthy as one of the fastest growing markets.

The Exports which has rapidly developed in the recent years and the changing trends in consumption have led to the very fast development of packing sector. The Plastic Packing Industry in Turkey has started a renovation process and together with the economic crisis encountered, Turkey has opted for repairing the diminishing domestic demand through Exports. However, the great increases in capacities have brought about the need for more and more Exports. Particularly after the crisis in 1994, the way out for the Turkish economy was Exports. Furthermore, the geographic location of Turkey between Europe and Asia is an advantage for gradually increasing Plastic Exports. Turkish Plastic Products are exported to 124 countries over the World.

With it's advantages, The Turkish Plastic Industry also has the opportunity to convert itself into a highly competetive and significant regional player. With the existing and planned natural gas and crude oil pipeline projects, Turkey, planning to be a power terminal will have taken major steps with the opportunities to be brought about by the raw material options of these projects. Although the plastic consumption, which is currently 35 kgms per person, is above the world average, it is well away from the saturation point. The consumption reaching the levels of 75-100 kgms in developed countries will make Turkey, with it's population of 70 million, a significant player in the World Plastic sector.

The plastic packaging produced with various raw material options such as HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PET, PP and PS are used in almost every area of the packaging industry. Valuewise the plastic ones make up one third of the packaging materials used. Among the plastic packaging applications produced in Turkey, we can list; oriented films, stretch films, shrink films, palette covers, plastic bags, bigbags, woven bags, ropes, solid and liquid food containers produced with thermoform, carbonated and non-carbonated beverage bottles, industrial containers, detergent ansd cosmetic producs bottles, foam containers and packaging forms.

Within this general profile, PLASET serves the Turkish Economy for 45 years since 1960 when the plastic industry was born in Turkey. PLASET aiming at constantly renewing itself and becoming a market leader, considering the changing world standards and the market values has adopted as it's production startegy the highest quality from the design stage to the production stage with it's high technology and specilised personel. PLASET merging it's vast product range and ideal product concepts and renewing it's production adapting a new logo quality policy and modern production standards is one of the trend setting pioneering and innovative companies in the sector.

The main objective of PLASET is to maintain the high quality service offered to existing customers, to reach new customers and markets, to increase it's production capacity and to strenghten its exports, in order to make bigger contributions to the Turkish Economy.

With our main motto "Everday higher quality compared with the day before", PLASET will always maintain its efforts for " the best".

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10