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Piney Fine Natural Spring Water Inc

Business category 1 Soft Drinks
City ( of main office ) Ottawa, CA, Canada
Address Po Box 30
Phones 1-204-423-2237
Fax 1-204-423-2243
About Since 2001 piney fine has been bottling natural spring water from our location in southeastern manitoba Canada, 10 minutes from United States border (Minnesota) .

At piney-fine natural spring water we are proud to say that we take every step possible to ensure that our customers receive the purest natural spring water product on the market.

Before our water; which flows from a natural aquifer 55 meters (60 yards) below ground level, is bottled, it runs through a series of filters and ultra-violet lights to remove any foreign particles that may cause bacteria. As a final step before bottling, the water goes through a process called ozonation, to ensure that the water is 100% bacteria free.

We stand 100% behind our product and dare to say it is "the best you will ever taste".
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10