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Pat willis Associate Ltd

Business category 1 Water Treatment
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address 13 Dolphin Lane
Phones 44-0207-5151137
Fax 44-0207-9875373
About Who We Are

Trained Health, Safety & Environmental Consultants with Engineering background As Professional Health, Safety and Environmental Consultants we support Healthier safer environment throughout UK and Worldwide from Europe to Australia, the Caribbean and Africa. Our focus is helping Private and public sector clients improve and Sustain their health, safety and environmental Performance, operational effectiveness, and Competitiveness. So whether you are a SME or multinational

Company, government department or charity Organisation, we can help provide a Professional service at a fraction of the cost of

Having an in-house safety professional or to Augment the services already provided by an In-house safety team. We are able to give an Unbiased and subjective opinion on any health And safety issue that may arise in the Workplace. Where ever you are and what ever Your business risks we can help you had value To your business. Failure to manage health and safety risk can Result in:

Loss of Production Death or injury from accident in the Workplace or Criminal charges as a Result of failing to meet current legal Requirements What makes us unique?

We strive to attract and retain the finest talent In the business, drawing qualified professional Individuals from background in safety, health And environmental management, business Management, engineering, design, training and Information technology.

The scope of our services has the capability to Provide "holistic" services related to protecting The workforce, the public, and the environment, While at the same time limiting liabilities, Reducing cost, and meeting regulatory Compliance requirements.

We provide our clients with a one-stop-shop, Through our network of affiliates we are able to Provide products such as software and Equipment necessary to protect the health of

The workforce, the public, and the environment.

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Our corporate mission is based on maintaining Integrity, honesty, loyalty and fairness. We fully Integrate with clients, and work with them to Build environmental and sustainability Strategies, design and implement projects and Find durable solutions to pressing problems.

We conduct research and monitor activities Related to safety, health, environmental Protection, and engineering issues to assist

Clients in maintaining accurate information.

These topics include regulatory compliance, Workers compensation, BLS statistics, and Demographics.

We offer a wide range of Health, Safety and Environmental Services.

Our services include:

Safe machine design and guarding

Mechanical handling

Manual handling

Environmental safety, including;

Access equipment



Dangerous substances-COSHH

Electricity and electrical equipment

Occupational hygiene

Food safety

Fire safety

Transport safety

Construction / Demolition safety

More of our services covers:

Policy management

Healthy & Safety policy modification

Inspection and Risk Assessment

Survey & certification

Electrical, gas, mechanical & water


Disability access

Fire protection & alarm systems

Energy & systems performance monitoring

Noise & pollution

Asset Registration & Asset Management

Record drawing & operational manual


Remedial Management

Preventive maintenance planning

Equipment repair validation

Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10