Business category 1 Ladders & Scaffoldings
City ( of main office ) Bogor, ID, Indonesia
Address Jl. Raya Bekasi Cibinong Km.19,5 Cileungsi
Phones 62-21-8232323, ext. 539
Fax 62-21-8231781
Web site www.bukaka.com
About Energy, transportation and telecommunication are bukaka's expertise.

The combination of technology, experience and skilled human resources, are the basic capital of the company.

Company founded on 25 october 1978. Pt bukaka teknik utama wa a car repair shop,400 square meters in size, with a total of seven employees.

In just one decade, the company grew and developed into one of indonesia's most foremost companies active in the fields of infrastruture, engineering and and construction, the company gained a reputation as good as overseas multi national company, particioating did not only for domestic tenders but also international ones

Domestically the company's main customers are government departments and state-owned enterprises with all work or projects being won through open tenders. Normally, all work on projects won is carried out by bukaka experts both as regard to engineering as well as fabrication and contruction. The company has also experience of working on joint venture projects with well-known construction companies from Japan, China, Korea, the United States and European countries.

In 1992, the significant increase of its business activities which required great deal of financial support brougth the company to invite three state-owned insurance companies to participate 20 percent of its stake-holding with its keen concern toward the quality of the work done, the company succeeded in archieving the ISO 9001 certification, the first certification in its category. In 1995, it also earned the api ( American petroleum institute) standard certification to intensify its operation in the field of oil and gas business.

In 1995, the company successfully went public and 40 percent of its were listed at the stock exchange. Up to 1996, the company's assets and revenues experienced growth of on average 50 percent every years. This was made possible by the development communications and energy sectors fuelled by indonesia's booming economy which grew by seven percent annually

Nevertheless, the economic crisis in mid 1997, indicated by the subsequent weakening of rupiah against foreign currencies, brougth the company to a difficult financial situation. Foreign currency loans resulted in high cost of operations despite the fact that some revenues were received in foreign currencies.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10