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PT. Ahadnet International

Business category 1 Energy Saving Equipment
City ( of main office ) Jakarta, ID, Indonesia
Address Dki Jakartajakarta Pusatkomplek Pertokoan Atrium Senen, Blok H 18-21
Phones 62-021-3518169
Fax 62-021-3519408
About We, PT. Ahadnet International has been in the business since 1996. We distribute more than 500 items quality products produced locally by Indonesian local manufacturers through our nation-wide network.

At the end of 2006, we have an agreement to distribute one of the spectaculer product invented by Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) : EFT (Electrical Fuel treatment) , a scientifically-proven technology to save fuel consumption for Motorbikes and Cars, while reducing the emission and enhancing the engine power.

Recently we are only market the product locally. However, international buyers / agents may encourage to send inquiry to be our partner to market the product abroad.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10