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Business category 1 Generators
City ( of main office ) Pretoria, ZA, South Africa
Address 5 Botha rd, Petit, Benoni
Phones 27-27119650127
Web site www.powerz-on.co.za
About We are local manufactures of a world class flat plate absorber. We are unashamedly proud of our product as we are unashamedly South African. Every component of our product is made in South Africa. We believe in South Africa and we are offering a this product at a competitive price.

We can supply Local Solar Companies with Flat plate collectors as apposed to them having to import them.

Our locally manufactured Flat Plate Water Heater compares very well with imported products and is particularly successful in an application that uses the existing geyser(Retro-fit). Our Flat plate has passed SABS testing and is in the process of getting Eskom DSM approval.

- We were fortunate in that , when we started

1. We had no preferred system in mind

2. We had no factory space and

3. No tooling

4. We knew very little about how solar systems worked.

With no vested interests and no preconceived ideas we studied the subjects and were able to identify the best features of the various systems in the world I.e. China, Japan, Brazil, USA, Canada, Germany, Greece and Australia. We took the best features of what is currently available, sourced local material and made the prototype panels. The prototype panels were tested, modified and imported products. In many aspects the performance of our local product was better than the performance of the imported product. After a lot of research and testing we are now proudly able to say that our Powerz-on solar panel is world class in performance as well as in respect of materials, aesthetics and construction methods and we did it here is South Africa!

As a local Solar Installer we would like to offer you the Powerz-on Panel, at a very competitive price.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10