Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Minnetrista, US, United States |
Address | 9496 Glacier Rd |
Phones | 1-612-8049578 |
Fax | 1-612-8049578 |
About | Main focus is in developing desaliantion plants to distribute water to the power plants and industries in third world countries. Secondary focus is in procuring plant oils, producing and marketing biodiesel. In addtion to it participate in import / export cross trading. Current Project-developing water desalination in collobration with Hyflux. Current Project-supply of 200, 000 MT / Month biodiesel to China on a 25 year contract, by helping with plant oils procurement and producing biodiesel on a toll basis. ================= Other projects 1. 900, 000 MT / Month x 12 Brazil Iron-supply arrangement. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |