Business category 1 Crystal Crafts
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address Cuthbert House, City Road, All Saints
Phones 44-191-3506071
Fax 44
About Paneltec International Manufactures complete lines or individual machinery for the production of Sandwich / Composite panels.
Machinery available
* Caterpillar laminating machine
* Continuous Polyurethane Sandwich Panel machine
* Complete mineral wool processing machinery
* Sandwich panel handling machinery-Vacuum stacker and wrapping machine
* Machinery to produce Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate foam insulation
* Fully automatic Rockwool loader
* Wall and Profiled Roof panels and Secret Fix panels
* High speed production rates
* Rollforming machinery
The Paneltec Sandwich panel machine can produce Wall and Roof Sandwich Panels made from
* Expanded Polystrene
* Mineral Wool
* PU Polyurethane
* PIR Polyisocyanyrate
* Extruded Polystyrene
Complete design, manufacture, Installation and commissioning service available
The Sandwich panels are used for the following applications
* External Profiled roof cladding
* External Wall cladding
* Coldstores and Chill stores
* Food processing factories
* Clean rooms
* Pharmaceutical buildigs
* Housing
* Fire proof constructions
Paneltec can offer a wide range of Rollforming machinery to produce various steel sections and profiles, please contact us for further information.

UK Engineers and Professionals, full UK warranty available
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10