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Orlan Enterprises, Inc.

Business category 1 Apparel Agents
City ( of main office ) Washington, D. C., US, United States
Address 17939 Chatsworth Street, Ste. 417
Phones 01-866-3056856
Fax 01-866-3056856
Web site www.vintageclothesusa.com
About Orlan Enterprises, USAs is an import / export company located in Granada Hills, California, USA. Our company was started in 2001 as an importer of hats, handbags and belts targeted at the teen and teen and young women's market. We are now an importer / exporter of primarily women's apparel and accessories. We specilize in denim jeans, skirts, denim jackets and vintage clothes. We also provide trendy or seasonal accessories for the North American, Central American and caribbean marketplaces. We take great pride in our relations with our customers and vendors alike, and have maintained many of our relationships over long periods of time. We are relatively technology savvy and utilize much of current computing technology to gain cost efficiencies, research and inventory controls. Our main customers are small and medium sized retail outlets. We are now looking to have some brand name representation and focus on the larger retail outlets as well.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10