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Onkar Furniture

Business category 1 Home Furniture
City ( of main office ) Nāgpur, IN, India
Address U 23 MIDCHingna Road
Phones 91-942-288-2036
Fax 91
Web site www.onkarfurnitures.com
About The Company
The compay works in three divisions, viz Hospital Furnitures, Domestic Furniture and PATENTED Panchakarma Products.
The company was established in 1983 with steel furniture unit.
Ventured in Hospital Furniture market in 1988.
Established setup to manufacture Powder Coated Hospital Furniture in 1991.
Hospital furniture range crossed 150+mark by 1999.
In 1999 came up with 1700 sq ft dedicated showroom for hospital furniture.
Today we are established market leaders in Central India for Hospital furnitures.

First in Central India to establish Powder coating unit.
First in Central India to offer Powder coated hospital furniture.
First in Central India with a dedicated showroom for hospital furniture.
First in Central India to have ISO 9001:2008 certification for furniture manufacturing.
First in Central India to manufacture powder coated cupboards & office furniture.
First in India to manufacture import substitute indigenous ENT OPD treatment unit.
First in India to obtain a PATENT for PANCHAKARMA UNIT for Ayruvedic Practitioners.
First in India to obtain ISO 9001:2008 certification for manufacturing of PATENTED Panchakarma units.

Advance machines for cutting,bending,pressing and punching for best quality product
Advance MIG/TIG/Plasma welding machines for strong and sturdy welding.
11 tank pre treatment with power transfer system to prevent product from rusting & for improved powder coatinf, which gives better product life.
Epoxy polyester powder coating, by electronically controlled oven to give best quality product.

Product Range
Total Furniture for hospitals like, ward beds, two section beds, fowler bed, ICCU beds, motorised ICCU beds, operation tables, bed side lockers, bed side bench (relatives bed) various trolleys,couches, suction machine, autoclaves,laproscopy trolley, dressing trolley, kick bucket, emergency crash cart, emergency stretcher.wheelchairs,examination tables.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10