Business category 1 Radio & TV Accessories
City ( of main office ) Lisbon, PT, Portugal
Address Rua Luis Barroso, Edf Sagres Lj 9 E 10
Phones 351-252377919
Fax 351-252371326
About The odisseia natural-Ltd. is a firm which dedicates exclusively to non conventional medicines and health products, that is, we dedicate "body and soul" to the most various technical therapies that the ancestral knowledge offered us, helping this way the population to take care of their health in a healthier way. We use the traditional Chinese medicine whit all their technical treatment and diagnostic to treat all pathologies which arise, as well as the other natural medical sciences so as to effect a concrete and correct diagnostic, as to solve the problem in question with all the possibility technical whiting the Chinese phitotherapy, homeopathy, orthomolecular therapy, oligotherapy and others. We are a firm in expansion, as well as the market within this area is increasing in our country, making the population acknowledge of the fiability of these natural technicals and give them their due acknowledgemente. Being so, and due to the demand of the population, we see ourselves wtith the opportunity to offer our best products so that the technicians in these areas may work whith the best tools and alike, of which our country does not happen. He offer of related to all types of consumables and new technologies for the best use of the tradicional Chinese medicine, which the acupunture is very deficient, being the lack of products and the prices very high.

This way, we want to enter the portuguese market with the best products, dually certified with all the standards of quality and hygiene, but also with a large possible offer, as to the diversity as the lowest price. Having introduced our firm, we now present our idea. We pretend importing a vast diversity of all products related to natural medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and alikes, so as to face the lack which exists in our market.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10