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O. Eknes Industrier AS

Business category 1 Flanges
City ( of main office ) Oslo, NO, Norway
Address Eknes
Phones 47-95-707068
Web site www.oeknes.no
About O. Eknes Industrier (OEI) is a Norwegian company located north of Bergen on the west coast of Norway. OEI was established as an independent limited company in February 2003. The shareholders, Ove Eknes and Aage Christensen are both working in the company.

OEI is specialized in manufacturing in China. Our owner's years of experience with mechanical and maritime industry has given us thorough knowledge, experience and expertise within engineering and manufacturing. Even though we are a young company the owners have cooperated with Chinese producers for over a decade and hereby achieved expertise within sourcing in China.

In February 2008 EC Tech was established with Norwegian management in order to offer unique service, high quality and presence. Presence is crucial and to have your own Chinese registered company to protect the client's products is significant.

EC Tech is a Chinese registered company located in Shenzhen with offices, assembly lines and warehouse facilities. Shenzhen is found on the mainland just across Hong Kong. Due to the time difference between Norway and China we are able to provide customer service 16 hours a day.

Experience has thought us that you need to have done the mistakes. We quickly learned that the European and Chinese understanding of quality differs a lot. You need to know not only the cultural differences and the market, but also having the right contacts is of high importance.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10