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North East Arizona Energy Services Co

Business category 1 Solar Energy Products
City ( of main office ) Washington, D. C., US, United States
Address Hc 30 Box 2a
Phones 1-928-5210888
Fax 1-928-5210888
Web site www.arizonaenergy.org
About Our Mission is to be an active agent creating avenues, methods and techniques to make us (at least in our region of the United States) 'whole', or 'well'; to assist in turning the corner into a better 'relationship to the earth'.

NEA-ESCO accomplishes its mission on two major fronts: the societal and the personal.

We must be the catalyst to MAKE IT HAPPEN, not just talk about it. We must educate and train, a lot of that education and training will naturally occur with the exposure of real new feasibilities, such as is encompassed in actual application for an expediting of installations of solar panels. But a lot of it will have to come from us through our efforts using the media and in our efforts in direct experimentation and exploration in viable alternative energy sources.

On the personal front, North East Arizona Energy Services Company has one overriding goal: be instrumental in changing 500 lives (personalities) into earth connected, love motivated individuals by building self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance in an environment where few of those qualities were prevalent, and do this before 2010.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10