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New Zealand Longevity Foundation

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Auckland, NZ, New Zealand
Address 1 / 18 Ashfield Rd, Glenfield
Phones 64-09 -940 5552
Fax 64
Web site www.nzlf.co.nz


The New Zealand Longevity Foundation came into existence in the Summer of 1981, through the dedicated efforts of a small group of local citizens.

In their pursuit of improved quality of a longer and healthier life term, they joined in the creation of the Foundation, modelled on similar foundations established in Florida and California in the USA.

To a large extent, they were inspired by the work of Pearson & Shaw in their landmark book; Life Extension, A Practical Scientific Approach; first published in 1979, still a major source of reference in our library.

This monumental tome of more than 800 pages combined all scientific knowledge of the subject at the time in one comprehensive overview! !

Since then a veritable landslide of publications has seen the light of day.

As the New Millennium advances, keeping up with the sheer volume of relevant scientific publications on a daily basis, is a full time job of several of specialist Foundation members and contributors.

Today the gathering and dissemination of information relating to the latest developments and discoveries in the field of orthomolecular Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Nutrition and the resurrection of Herbal knowledge, as applied to the prevention, amelioration and possible cure of the degenerative diseases, that are part of the aging process, continues to be the major focus of the foundation.

From the outset it became obvious that in order to be able to suit the action to the word, it would be necessary to take a proactive part in the sourcing and securing of the highest quality nutrients and pharmaceuticals required for the benefit of our members.

By taking a position in the importing and manufacturing of these "Nutriceuticals", our members have benefited from a much reduced pricing structure in comparison with retail and pyramid networking organizations.

The foundation has an ongoing commitment to utilise maximum New Zealand input and content in every sphere, ranging from raw material to the manufacture and distribution of product.

The increased scope of operations has strained the capital and manpower resources of the foundation; hitherto provided free, through the generosity of a small number of Founding members.

After obtaining professional advice, it was agreed to go forward and establish a much larger structure in order to take full advantage of economy of scale.

Additional funding has now been provided by the establishment of a limited liability company of 600, 000 fully paid shares of 50 cents each.

A concerted effort will be expended to substantially increase membership numbers.

The annual subscription will be held to a low $25. 00 per annum; the resultant benefits will be mutual and twofold.

Firstly the members will furnish the Foundation with a significant database from which members will profit by way of lower prices, higher quality and better service!

Secondly, a larger Foundation, working co-operatively with its membership will greatly enhance its profile, both commercially and politically.

The Foundation is inviting qualified professionals to expand our advisory panel of specialist consultants, for the benefit of its members!

Bruno J. Loos


Mission Statement, May, 1999

Edited June, 2006
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10