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Neuhomes Development Sdn Bhd

Business category 1 Architecture Design
City ( of main office ) Kuala Lumpur, MY, Malaysia
Address Suite E-09-12 Plaza Mont
Phones 60-03-62015118
Fax 60-03-27114713
Web site www.homeplan.com.my
About About Us

Homeplans. com. my is a subsidiary of Neuhomes Development Sdn Bhd which is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The main business activities of Neuhomes are designing and building bungalow homes in Malaysia predominantly in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. We specialise in high-end and premium homes for the niche clientele. For more information about Neuhomes, you may visit our main website at WWW. neuhomes. com. my

Homeplans. com. my is an online division of Neuhomes where its main activity and focus is to sell digital homeplans over the internet. This idea stems from the demand and various enquiries from clients and prospects who wanted our design services but are located outside the Klang Valley region. As a result, Neuhomes later devised a solution to resolve the issue of logistics and costs post by physical distance and locality. Neuhomes believe that by having our cataloque of bungalow designs and blueprints made readily online, most these issues concerning us and our prospects would be resolved. Now they can go online and make payment and download the digital copies of the blueprints and carry on the building process with their own consultants and contractors wherever they are to complete their dream homes. The plans are all in digital formats and can be modified with the clients' own inputs. They are designed in this way to allow for a certain degree of customization to suit the individual tastes, specifications and budgets of the clients.

In a nutshell, we believe that the construction business is a localised industry where the modus operandi is deeply rooted in the particular place it operates. However Neuhomes also believes that the designs or the software of the built product can be sourced elsewhere and " The House" as the end product can be realised with local inputs and expertise. Neuhomes thinks this concept can work well with the inherent constraints posed by the building industry in general.

Neuhomes believe that this solution is a faster and more cost effective solution to building your own home.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10