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Nestibo Agra Inc.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Deloraine, CA, Canada
Address Box 592,206 Broadway Street North
Phones 1-204-747-2904
Fax 1-204-747-3767
Web site www.nestiboagra.com
About Nestibo Agra Inc. Is a company devoted to superior personal service to the sunflower industry throughout the world. We concentrate our efforts on providing our past, present and future customers with long term service, honesty and reliability. We are committed to the industry with unsurpassed quality and excellence. This new and progressive company is dedicated to developing new markets for Confectionary and Oil type sunflowers, both domestically and internationally.

At Nestibo Agra, our technology in the grading and dehulling of confectionary and oil sunflowers is of the latest and most up to date in the processing industry. Examples of this are our European made air and screen machines, hulling machines and color sorters all state of the art, which are just a few of the processing equipment we use.

The sunflowers Nestibo Agra Inc. Processes are grown in the best region of the world for quality and taste. The Manitoba southern climate is long enough to produce a heavy, fully matured sunflower ideal for both inshell market and human edible kernel market. During the processing months our climate is cool and dry which makes for natural storage conditions to ensure the buyers receive a cool dry product.

Particular to the south west of Manitoba is its soil conditions that are indicative to low cadmium levels. Nestibo Agra sunflower products have consistently some of the lowest cadmium levels on North America, perhaps even the world, with levels averaging less than 0.30 ppm. And as low as 0.18 ppm.

Nestibo Agra Inc. Has quick access to phytosanitary certification, USDA grade certification or any other certification a buyer might require. Depending on the buyers needs Nestibo Agra Inc. Is able to ship large volumes, with proper notification, ranging from 1 container per year to 15 containers per month. With the excellent shipping program in Canada, the buyer will have confidence that his shipment will arrive on time and in good condition. Canadas' freight rates are also very favorable compared to other countries, enabling Nestibo Agra Inc. To offer very competitive pricing.

Nestibo Agra Inc. Can package and ship in what ever form the buyer finds necessary. Whether it be 20 foot or 40 foot containers packaged in bags minibulks or straight bulk loads. Nestibo Agra Inc. Follows all international shipping rules whether it be Gafta Nafta or other. With the end users requirements changing on an ever increasing scale, Nestibo Agra Inc. Is very approachable and willing to listen to the buyers wants and needs, guaranteeing their satisfaction.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10