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Naren Electronics and services

Business category 1 Counters
City ( of main office ) Coimbatore, IN, India
Address 468 / 3c, Avinashi Road
Phones 91-0422-2580077
Fax 91-0422-257249
About 10 years of innovation with sheer marketing excellence. A wide range of spares are in the offing, for all models of autoconers ranging from schlafhprst, savio, muratec. Apart from this, spares for vjtfo, uniboxy splicers, wetsplicers, handsplicer, trumac carding, knotters and ceramics are also in offing.

Naren extablised some 10 years back with the purpose of serving the customers immidiate needs in the field of finishing side with the import substitute products, has been continuously upgrading the business activities into the field of autoconer & splicers.

Research and development is an on going process. We still belive in continuously upgarading our basic infrastructure thereby providing lasting value to our costomer.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10