NTE Nachrichtentechnik und Elektronik GmbH
Business category 1 | Mobile Phones |
City ( of main office ) | Frankfurt am Main, DE, Germany |
Address | Hungener Strasse 6 |
Phones | 49-069-55014511 |
Web site | www.nte-frankfurt.de |
About | founded in 1993 of former coworkers of the SEL/Alcatel AG based, in Germany and France, the NTE Nachrichtentechnik und Elektronik GmbH are 1st reliable consumer electronics and mobile phones distribuitor in Germany! The NTE Nachrichtentechnik und Elektronik GmbH estabilished a long bussines cooperation with over than 500 Companies around the world! Today the Company have more than 1000 employes and offer the best products available on International Market-Place! |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |