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Business category 1 Fertilizer
City ( of main office ) Abuja, NG, Nigeria
Address 12 Refinery Rd, Okrika
Phones 234-0803-3478922
Fax 234
About we are a company that specialize on importation and distribution of fertilizer to most states in the nigeria that are mostly dominated in farming. we have been in this business for about ten years (10yrs and we have coverd about (15 states in Nigeria and we have branches in about nine states in Nigeria and we have over (59 persons working as stafs officially.We have a very strong network of reaching our customers mostly in the northern part of the country where this fertilizer is been used.we have also suply fertilizer to the federal and state goverment of Nigeria. We have recieved recomadations and awards from the states and federal goverment.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10