Monarch Foods
Business category 1 | Fresh Meat & Poultry |
City ( of main office ) | Chatham, GB, United Kingdom |
Address | 56 Alexandra Road |
Phones | 44-1959-563202 |
Fax | 44 |
About | Dzien Dobry Nazywem sie Chris Jones I jestem przedstawicielem firmy Monarch Foods w Anglii. Zajmiejacej sie importem I sprzedarza wolowiny z poludniowej Ameryki I cielenciny z nowej Zelandii I Australii. Zostalem za trudnione byszukac dobrich nabysow naszich produktow. Nasze badannia wykazale, ze Polska importuje teraz duze ilosci miesa z Hiszpanii. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monarch foods are predominantly importers into the UK specialising in beef from South America and lamb and mutton from NZ. As a polish speaker I am looking into the Polish and other eastern European markets. We are currently sourcing a lot of Spanish pork for the UK processors and am wondering if you would be interested in looking at any possibilities for business. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |