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Modular Technologies India Private Limited

Business category 1 Ore
City ( of main office ) Chennai, IN, India
Address 5th Floor, City Tower, 117 Sir Thiagaraya Road, T Nagar
Phones 91-44-28155123
Fax 91-44-28155132
Web site www.modulartech.in
About Modular Technologies India Private Limited is a subsidiary of Modular Corp (M) Sdn. Bhd. -Malaysia, A Public Limited Company and the pioneer in smart card systems and service provider in Malaysia

Modular Corp lauched the world's first application to replace bank books with smart cards in 1991. The technology still remains the most reliable and secure form of electronic banking in the world.

The mutlipurpose smart card ID~Mas launched in 1997 is now used by most of the universities in Malaysia and Anna university in India.

This card can be used for

I) door access control system,

Ii) time management system,

Iii) clinic system,

Iv) gate / parking system,

V) RFID enabled library system,

Vi) secure PC authentication,

Vii) bus ticketing system,

Viii) lecture room system,

Ix) mobile security / guard system,

X) banking services such as ATM, e-debit and

Xi) Campus e-Cash.

Making the student and the staff to carry only one card with all the applications programmed into it and enjoy all the services within short time at all locations.

The ease of use and the time saving concept has now earned lots of appreciation amongst the students and more and more colleges and universities are now approaching Modular for implementing this system in their facilities.

Cash collection is made easy through microfinance solutions which we have currently implemented in Muthoot Finance.

Loyalty cards can be issued through our smart card solution by the leading retail chains for retaining customers and providing them value addition.

We are approaching leading banks to convert the existing swipe cards to our CP8 chip based smart card for additional security.

Health and insurance sector is another area that can utilize our smart cards.

Smart card driving licence, Resident cards, library management, toll collection, e vallet, shopping card, retail card, national ID. Etc is some of the many smart cards solutions we provide.

Contact us for providing the best smart card solution.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10