Business category 1 |
Farm Machinery |
City ( of main office ) |
Jakarta, ID, Indonesia |
Address |
54, Jalan Lautze-Pasar Baru |
Phones |
62-21-6286846 |
Fax |
62-21-6286834 |
About |
My company has been recognized by most trading companies, especially in the steel, scrap steel or mining industries. Our team work have proved that we are able to give the best quality and services to our buyers and we do serious when selecting our suppliers before we make a transaction because TRUST is our best strength and it will keep continue to expand our business network. We are willing to provide most information to our potential customers when they want statistical information before they push themselves forward into a serious business. Our company vision is to have a long relationship with our clients and suppliers. Therefore everything is important even a very tiny stuff and all are related to future and better business environment.
Date |
2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |