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Misr El Salam International For Producing Organic Fertilizer

Business category 1 Fertilizer
City ( of main office ) Alexandria, EG, Egypt
Address 6 Mostfa Fahmy Gleem
Phones 20-10-1961998
Fax 20
Web site www.misrelsalam.com/index.php?action=index
About Egypt is passing now through an agricultural development era represented in improving organic farming and increasing organic lands in order to provide people with healthy food and to decrease the harmful effects of pesticides and chemicals on the environment and soil. The modern scientific agricultural trends: Using chemical fertilizers and pesticides is now accused of being the main reason of food contamination and soil pollution, that's why the modern trends in agriculture is moving towards organic farming. Also water contamination is caused mainly by the water soluble nutrients (like nitrates) which reach the ground water by drainage and it is a poisonous element for both man and animal. Misr Elsalam International For Organic Fertilizers applied experiments on the traditional compost used by farmers and growers and the results were as follows: 1. Traditional compost is the main reason for infecting the soil by Nematode. 2. Traditional compost contains large quantities from weeds' seeds which is a competitor for the plant and will cost the grower extra costs for using pesticides. 3. Traditional compost is highly infected by parasites, herbicides, and fungicides. And for all the abovementioned reasons; Misr Elsalam International For Organic Fertilizers with the cooperation of Netherlands technology took a leading step for improving agriculture in Egypt and successfully constructed a complete factory for producing organic fertilizers free of parasites, herbicides, fungicides, and weeds' seeds.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10