Miraizu Marketing
Business category 1 | Auto Engine |
City ( of main office ) | Manila, PH, Philippines |
Address | 322 G Agiurre Ave. , BF Homes |
Phones | 63-2-8098798 |
Fax | 63-2-8098797 |
Web site | www.neosocketsaver.com |
About | Our company, Miraizu Marketing Japan Sales Ltd owned and managed by Japanese entrepreneur. The authorized and exclusive distributor, importer of products Neo Socket and Neo Drive Fuel Saver Worlwide. Our product, Neo Socket and Neo Drive-a breakthrough invention device and patented products which are 100% Japan made technology that could save fuel consumption. It was launched year 2006 in Hokkaido, Japan and has been certified and tested approved by National University of Japan. A fuel saver that are applicable for diesel, gasoline and lpg engines, recognized by major countries like USA, Canada, Australia, UK including Asia. Timely, the company (MIRAIZU MARKETING Japan SALES LTD) had launched and started distributing this product in Asia only last January of 2008. Since the government including private sectors are hardly seeking alternative options to help people to minimize their expenses in fuel requirements. In just a matter of weeks, we already had a lot of dealers worldwide were in the beginning they are only individual users of Neo socket and later on satisfied, amazed after using this kind of device. They are currently helping us promoting and at the same time distributing the products worlwide. We are still looking for some potential business partner to do also the same. Company Profile Company Name: MIRAIZU MARKETING Japan SALES LTD Address: 322 G Aguirre Ave. BF Homes Paranaque City M. M. 1700 Buss. Permit No. : 2007123139 DTI License No. : 00255899 BIR / TIN No. : 252-933-960-000 Pattent No. : 2006-187491 / 92 Greg Magoncia Jr. Sales and Mktg. Manager Miraizu Marketing Japan Sales Ltd. 322 G Agiurre Ave. BF Homes Paranaque City Philippines 1700 + 63910 232 9601 |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |