Michel Industries
Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Livingston, US, United States |
Address | 55 Merrill Lane |
Phones | 1-406-223-8575 |
Web site | www.michelindustries.net |
About | Welcome to Michelindustries. Net providers of quality outdoor gear. Based in the Rockies of Montana, Michel Industries has an unrivalled selection of branded outdoor gear at unbeatable internet prices. Founded in 2004 by three brothers, their goal is to become a major online retailer that helps incubate new companies that manufacture outdoor gear. We know that with ebay and many online retailers, has made it easier to get outdoor gear at low prices. However, quality and service seem to decline when products are sold with little profit. This has created a market that requires many buyers to depend on manufactures warranty if the product is defective. If the product is sold on ebey and it is used you are at the mercy of the seller. The commitment to providing outstanding customer service is exemplified not only by the staff, but by initiatives such as the Michel Industries. Net website, offering one of the best selection outdoor products you will find on the Internet. With us you will find everything you need for serious Trekking, Traveling, Walking, Climbing, Camping and Caravanning. We offer a complete and comprehensive selection of the top brands and best outdoor equipment available in the Southwestern Montana such as discount tents, camping equipment and outdoor walking equipment. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |