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Metal Pass LLC

Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) Pittsburgh, US, United States
Address 234 Melwood Ave
Phones 1-412-6213836
Web site www.metalpass.com
About Metal Pass business areas and its three-stage strategy are encoded in our company logo: Resource, Solution and E-Biz. Starting from posting free metal resources and providing free software applications, metalpass.com has gained tremendous popularity. Currently, Google search engine places metalpass.com as the No. 1 for dozens of keywords such as "mill automation", "roll pass", "metal directory". With the success in the stage and partial completion of the stage 2, the team is actively preparing for the stage 3.

Metal Pass Resource provides over 40,000 pages of metal industry, particularly steel mill, related resources on its website, www.metalpass.com. Besides hundreds of technical articles, there are a long list of resource applications, which are all the largest of the types in the metal industry. They include Metal Directory, Software Database, Metal Dictionary - Tech Terms, Metal Dictionary - Translation, Flow Stress, High Temperature Properties, etc. The Consulting section in the www.metalpass.com covers in depth discussion of various technical issues, of the Level 2 Model, Mill Software, Automation System, Roll Pass, Rolling Mill, and so on. There are also some detailed model training schedules available in the website.

Metal Pass Solution provides both Mill Software and Mill Consulting services. For Mill Software, it has strategically selected three key areas for software development: Roll Pass, Mill Automation and Mill ERP. With its roll pass suites (AutoForm, FreeForm, Mill Load and FDM Temperature) on testing for over a years, its team is moving forward to mill automation systems, for e.g. remote data collection and mill process improvement (for both Level 3 and Level 2). Metal Pass Consulting has also achieved great success and has just released its list for over 100 steel-mill related projects, with clients covering America, Asia and Europe. See www.metalpass.com/consulting. Even in the worldwide economical depression, Metal Pass was still awarded a nine-month contract from China for Level 2 model improvement.

At the same time, Metal Pass E-Biz is under intensive development. Several business suites has been launched, such as Product Profile, R&D Tech Profile, and Classified Listing. As a very special effort, Metal Pass is building an E-Biz empire with a core site (www.metalpass.com) surrounded by about 200 metal-related satellite sites, by utilizing about 200 metal-related domain names that Metal Pass owns. Up to this point, about 100 satellite websites gas been launched, such as www.millconsultant.com.

Metal Pass mission is, by combining the technical strengths of America, Europe and Asia, etc., to provide the best resources and services, and to deliver the most advanced technologies.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10