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Marx constructions PTY LTD

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Toowoomba, AU, Australia
Address Po Box 2789
Phones 61-1300 79 45 30
Fax 61-1300 79 45 90
Web site www.marxpropertygroup.com.au
About Our Company name is Marx Property Group, from that company we have three main branchs.

Marx Land Development

Marx Commercial Development

Marx Residential Development

Most of the case we use Marx Land to Provide land to construct in it, but also have different projects associated to Marx Residential and Commercial.

Our ambition is to provide good produit in the market at a competitive cost and as fast as possible.

We are aiming to reach a turn over of 100, 000, 000. 00 Million in the next 3 years.

We looking for suppliers that have a quality Product, at a competitive price and with an efficient way to work together, so we can rely on dead line and get products in a strict timing and efficiency.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10