Marie Elise Brandt
Business category 1 | Fabric |
City ( of main office ) | Quito, EC, Ecuador |
Address | Arupos E9-18 |
Phones | 593-2-2800499 |
Fax | 593-2-2807531 |
About | Since October 2000, the headquarter of our business is in Hamburg, Germany. In May 2001, we established below the the same company name a own production factory in Quito, Ecuador, South-America, with at present 80 co-workers. Collections are produced in high-end value-standards. The director, Dr. Stefan Brandt, is physicist and idealist. In an exemplary pioneer-work, he succeeded in connecting business success with social responsibility and proved that a capitalistic structure can be successful, just because of the high social responsibility and life-quality in the production place. In acknowledgment of the created infrastructure, of combining development-help with favourable production-conditions, the company has been liberated by the Ecuadorian government of all customs and taxes. This special status, which was only given to two of approximately 3000 textile companies in Ecuador, is based on the fact that we create work, but above all else important we provide know-how, what is surely the most valuable good. All this in an atmosphere of a particular type: Much light, pastel colours, ergonomic adapted working places, nutritional-consciously common lunch in the company owned restaurant and a row of social benefits that are unusual so far in Ecuador. These and many other details are accustomed (? ) standard s for us and explain the informal and good climate in our production-place. Everything under a roof: We produced for different brands of high reputation in earlier times. The company could free itself from this dependence. Today, we only produce our own brands and control the entire production chain, from the purchase of the high-quality yarns, fabrics and accessories, up to the production of the ready made garments and the sale in own and franchising stores in Germany, Austria and Spain. Because of this almost vertical structure, with the tied up direct sale, without any intertrading and the elimination of expensive marketing investments, the company is able to sell the high-end products with its extraordinary characteristics to reasonable prices to the final customer. Quality in the superlatives: We guarantee the following, exceptional characteristics of quality: All articles are made in fabrics made from super-combed, gassed, compacted and long staple Egyptian yarns. The exceptional high natural elasticity and dimensional stability and color fastness of our garments is based on application of specific technologies and procedures and special treatments with water, vapour and heat, developed in the company. Part of the collection is made from mercerized cotton, and finest natural fibres like Tencel, Silk and Modal. Our double volume fabrics ("Interlock") in pure cotton, as well as our noble fleece garments are always brushed inside. All garments are submitted to a series of special processes: - enzyme-washings guarantee a soft hand feeling - stone-washings, fading-out treatments and sand-blasting provide the oftenly required used-look - mechanical and anti-pilling treatments deliver a splendid silk-touch - high-end dyes from Switzerland offer highest colour fastness-a costly water-steam-heat-treatment, without chemical additions, guarantees zero-shrinking and dryer-suitability, even at highest temperatures Noble t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, jeans and jackets and underwear are the result. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 15:10 |