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Mantra Botanicals

Business category 1 Skin Care
City ( of main office ) Melbourne, AU, Australia
Address 6 Bamfield Rd Heidelberg Heights
Phones 61-3-94583992
Fax 61-3-94583992
Web site www.mantrabotanicals.com.au
About Mantra Botanicals focuses on Natural Skin Care for all skin types & Herbal Home Remedies essential to have on hand for so many occasions. Using only the purist ingredients and our Herbalist's knowledge of plant properties and actions, Mantra focus's on the Herbal approach and Australian plant extracts.
Louise has been a practicing Herbalist for 10 years and helped many people with various illnesses. She has worked in Hospital settings caring for people for 25 years. Her love of skin care started while caring for the sick and by utilising her passion for Herbal Medicine and her love of helping others she has produced some very remarkable products found to be extremely useful in the home. No need for chemicals these work without the side effects experienced with so many preparations. No thinning skin so often caused from cortico steroidal creams just try the Healing ointment.
Suffering from arthritis. Try the amazing Herbal wax. Just soak your hands or arthritic feet in it and leave on the heated warm wax for 20 mins. And the pain is gone! Movement is restored Heal Bruises quickly with Mantra Arnica Muscle Ache & Bruise Ointment.
Skin Care for all skin types. Manuka & Rainforest honeys adjust skin P. H. Silk protein moisturiser glides onj without greasy residue leaves the skin supple, smooth, antioxidant & vitamin enriched. Restorative to all skin types.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10