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Mantle Panel, Ltd

Business category 1 Fertilizer
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address Surrey Kt12 3rdwalton-Upon-Thames9 Homefield Road
Phones 44-1932-224147
Fax 44-870-0510658
Web site www.mantlepanel.com
About The patented, patent pending and certified Mantle Building System is an environmentally award-winning, highly insulative (U-Value=0. 10) building system that is cost effective, quick to build with mostly semi-skilled labour with a built-in HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) unit with humidity controls and a hypo-allergenic filtration system.

Any Mantle Home costs extremely little to run to maintain a constant temperature, and can easily be adapted for solar or photovoltaic panels, or ground source heat pumps, where excess power can be sold back to the Grid.

Four times stronger than engineered timber panels, with the compression of brick and block, the 'frameless' system simplifies new build, speeds up construction, minimises waste, virtually eliminates cold-bridging and creates a silent environment.

The Mantle Building System is a highly engineered building system, with extreme resistance to wind and earthquake forces, designed to carry high snow loads. Large floor and roof spans can be achieved and test have shown deflection under load does not increase with time. The patented Mantle Ring Beam inserted into walls at the top of every storey transfer loads around the structure. This enables the walls to carry high loads whether applied evenly across the top or to just one side (such as a floor) .

The high thermal insulation provides unrivalled energy savings which help governments achieve reduced CO2 emissions while lowering costs for the constructor and the ultimate end user.

"Our Vision is Simple. . . Dedicated to Quality"

For contact purposes, please go to our website WWW. Mantlepanel. Com and send us an email!

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10