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Malaysia Printers Association

Business category 1 Packaging Printing
City ( of main office ) Kuala Lumpur, MY, Malaysia
Address No. 42-1 Jalan 11 / 34a, Kepong Entrepreneurs Park, Batu 7, Jalan Kepong
Phones 603-8068-4306
Fax 603-8068-4309
Web site www.malaysiaprinters.com
About Our Objectives

1. To promote and establish a sound printing industry in Malaysia.

2. To promote, protect and represent the interests of the industry and the members of the Association in general.

3. To promote good relations and mutual understanding among members, and if there are disputes, be able to provide a machinery for their settlement either by way of arbitration or otherwise.

4. To render advice or assistance to members wherever necessary.

5. To take cognisance of events, expression affecting the members.

6. To develop and maintain co-operation with other similar registered bodies in Malaysia.

7. To circulate information of interest to members.

8. To examine and report of any legislation affecting the printing industry, and wherever practicable to promote and support desirable measure of law reform either alone or in conjunction with other registered bodies.

9. On behalf of the Association, to negotiate or to enter into agreement with Chambers of Commerce, governmental and statutory bodies, registered associations, companies or persons of any matter which affects the Association or industry.

10. To organise and manage matters of common interest, concern or benefit to members or any group with the similar objectives, and to collect and manage funds for the same.

11. To assist members to make representation to any governmental agency, public or private body, registered association, corporation, company, firm or individual for issues that concerned the interest of the members.

12. To acquire and maintain premises for the use of its members to carry out activities that benefit the members and the association.

13. To subscribe to local and national charities.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10