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Maderas y Materiales El Cipresal S.A.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Cartago, CR, Costa Rica
Address Boulevard De Entrada A Cartago
Phones 506-5526492
Fax 506-2833041
About El Cipresal is a well stablished company in Costa Rica, dedicated to serve mostly large construction companien and contractors. As a espelist in lumber and tropical wood supply we handle strong inventories of wood for this sector.

We are now in the process of expanding our operation into the Pacific coast, where large projects are being built in teh fast growing turism business.

A new solar departament is being designed, looking to supply construcytion companies and arquitechs with a good service in designing and installing solar solutions for the expanding market of energy-concious people. This will required a well suited inventory on selected items to be included under this new department.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10