Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Craiova, RO, Romania
Address Popoveni 7
Phones 40-251-425343
Fax 40-251-425343
About Background of the company (years repairing motor, how they started the company: Repairing or building motors).

Our company was established in 1993, as 100% private company, it is specialsed in repairs and service for electric motors and transformers with clients in all counties of romania and export for 6 kv coils. Foreign companies allready visit us and show their interest for possible cooperation

Also we sell electric motors and transformers

**. Resources of the company (employees, special machinery, storage facilities).

*: Employees:50 with high qualification

* special machinery

Press for 6 kv coils micanisation micafill swiss

Electric kilns

Hidraulic press ph200

Coils winder machine

Balancing machine for 0.6 - 11 tones rotors (sweden & usa)

Balancing machine for 1 - 500 kg rotors (sweden)

Winding solder installation tig ( esab sweden)

Welder for copper-copper, aliminium-aluminium welding in argon protector environment ( esab sweden)

Many others

*. Storage facilities:

A new hall in craiova (since 2005)

A hall in filiasi

*. Range of motors that they are able to repair: Power (capacity), voltage,

Induction motors and/or permanent magnet motors, ac and/or dc motors

We repair electric motors and generators from 1 kw up to 50 mw 0.4 and 6 kv. That include: D. C. A. C. Motors with scurtcircuit and wired rotors and motors with permanent magnets

*. Type of customers that you have: Motor suppliers/manufacturers, inverter

Suppliers/manufacturers, machine builders, end customers,.... Could you

Enumerate some customers?

As result of our market strategy and our constant interest to quality our repairs include all industrial fields, even naval & oil industry, romanian and foreign customers:
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10