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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Saint Petersburg, RU, Russia
Address Politekhnicheskaya Str. , 6D
Phones 7-812-2979013
Fax 7-812-2971733
Web site www.mitsar-medical.com
About Mitsar is developer and manufacturer of functional diagnostics and neurofeedback devices for clinical and research use.
22 and 32 channel Mitsar-EEG systems for QEEG, ERP and VideoEEG are excellent both for routine EEG and research facilities. EEG processing includes spectral and coherence analysis, brain mapping, artifact rejection, spike detection, dipole source localization, ERP / ERD, Wavelet band power / coherence, LORETA, EEG / ERP independent component analysis, normative database.
In the neurofeedback area Mitsar offers 2 channels Biofeedback EEG-Trainer Mitsar-BFB that is effective used in ADHD treatment.
Mitsar Co. Ltd. products are CE marked in conformity with Directive 93 / 42 / EEC concerning medical devices and designed, developed and manufactured under DIN EN ISO 13485: 2003 and DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000 certified quality system.
Since 2004 Mitsar Company is involved in international trade and successfully exports EEG and biofeedback systems to U. S. and E. U. market.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10