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Business category 1 Consulting
City ( of main office ) Moscow, RU, Russia
Address loko str 21
Phones 7-905-7707110
Fax 7-495-7483037
Web site www.millegarfoe.be
About Corporate & Financial Communications

Corporate & Financial Communications are crucial to winning supportfor any organization. The impact of intelligent, targetedcommunications can drive a company's profitability regardless of sizeor industry sector.

Brand Marketing

The power of a strong brand is undeniable, as it influences tastes, attitudes and, perhaps most importantly, buying habits.

By developing business-to-business and business-to-consumer brandstrategies, MG empowers clients to impact behavior andchoice while building long-term brand loyalty. We work hand-in-handwith our clients to help them launch, establish, and most importantly, protect their respective brands by leveraging a variety of techniques:

Brand positioning

Product publicity / launches

Product promotions

Event marketing

Focus groups / surveys

Direct mail / email

Public Affairs

Elected and regulatory officials have the influence to, by way ofpassing laws, affect a profound impact on virtually every public andprivate institution, with sweeping legislative initiatives like HIPAAand SOX. These decisions have the potential to jeopardize a company'scompetitive advantage, not to mention viability.

The MG approach to public affairs issimilar to that of political campaigning. Our team has extensiveexperience in leveraging multiple communications strategies and tacticsto implement a comprehensive, cohesive and persuasive program.

Community outreach

Ally development

Employee communications

Coalition building

Stakeholder mobilization

Paid media

Direct mail

Crisis and Issues Management

During a crisis, your most valuable assets corporate reputation, brand equity, market share, consumer / employee / stakeholder confidence-become endangered and imperil your organizations very future. Althoughcorporate crises cannot always be forecasted, thoughtful preparationenables you to meet challenges quickly with intelligent and media-savvyresponses.

Drawing on experience from the corporate, governmentand non-profit worlds, the MG team works with clients tohelp them anticipate, prepare for and manage complex situations, including poor financial performance, product recalls, social orcorporate responsibility, environmental issues, and high-profilelitigation. In todays global business environment where news hitsdesktops in seconds, crisis preparedness planning and rapid responsetactics have never been more crucial.

MG employs a variety of tactics to prepare for and combat negative issues and crisis situations:

Vulnerabilities assessment

Procedural guidelines

Crisis simul

Date 2011 Oct 29, 08:10