Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Ottawa, CA, Canada
Address 2759 Lancaster Road
Phones 1-613-223-0139
Fax 1
Web site www.metrotowtrucks.com
About Metro Tow Trucks is the vision of a man and his family. In the industry for over 24 years, the Wehbe family grew tired of purchasing expensive and underperforming wreckers which were often outlived by the chassis upon which they were mounted.

In 1999, Webb Wehbe started to develop his own line of wreckers. Beginning with pencil drawn plans, he crafted what he thought every driver would want and need. Labor and material costs have been on the rise in North America for years; Webb knew that to make an affordable, quality wrecker, he'd have to source an experienced manufacturing company in Asia. In 2004, and after several visits, he found a heavy equipment manufacturer with the right skills and machinery to do the job.

By 2008, Metro Tow Trucks had already surpassed the production capabilities of the heavy equipment manufacturer and decided to open their own factory in Asia. By wholly owning the factory themselves, they are now able to keep tight constrains on deadlines and quality. With Webb on the ground most of the year in Asia, he is able to keep a close eye on the production while still being able to modify plans based on customer requests and feedback.

Although every major manufacturer of tow trucks in the world utilizes asian labor to cut costs, Metro Tow Trucks has been the first to be able to break into the asian domestic market and entirely assemble their wreckers overseas.

Employing more than 150 local workers, Metro Tow Trucks has become a pillar of the community in their little corner of Asia. Supporting businesses, restaurants and industry they have earned the respect of the local government. By offering western style management and exceptionally high pay, Metro Tow Trucks has brought in talent from all over Asia. Staffed with a dozen engineers, anything that can be drawn in AutoCAD or rendered in Pro/Engineer can be cutout, welded and assembled by the team of dedicated workers.

Metro Tow Trucks is dedicated to providing a quality product with exceptional service.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10